water memory

Dr Zach Bush, MD, is a physician and thought leader in the development of root-cause solutions for human and ecological health. His platform, The Journey of Intrinsic Health, invites the participant to transform the way they think about their health. Diving into authentic self-discovery including how you fuel, hydrate, breathe, move, rest, play, connect and express yourself in the world. Dr Zach’s philosophies promote a healthy and natural lifestyle that fosters a spirit of gratitude and pleasure around everything you do, focusing on healing from within.

In an interview with The Hydration Foundation, Dr Zach shares his fascinating thoughts on essential aspects of healthy water consumption:

“When you are well hydrated, when you are really plugged in, you literally have access to all the energy of the universe, which is infinite obviously.”

 “Ultimately we are not solid creatures, we are a tiny bit of matter organized around an energetic force, and so we are energetic beings at our center. And then you have to ask if we are 99.99% energy how is that energy giving us the impression of a solid table sitting in front of us and that solid table is a tiny bit of matter that is now being organized in such a way that it creates an energetic space that feels solid, and so that organization it turns out, the human body and any other biologic system is managed by the interaction of the water molecule with the energy field. In my book, the water molecule is the translator between biophysics and microbiology. It is literally the translation point, its literally the adapter if you will - you can imagine if you take your computer and you have to plug that into the wall to plug into an electrical grid to make the computer work. In the same way I believe that biologic body has to plug in through the water molecule to access the energy that is available and when you are well hydrated, when you are really well plugged in, you literally have access to all of the energy of the universe which is infinite obviously. And that again is kind of a bold and strange statement, but the reality is, electrons are free to exchange all the time and they do indeed exchange all of the time. Electrons will exchange from my protons into yours over a course of a few days and across the course of the United States, you know and so our electrons are traveling world wide over weeks and months time and we are exchanging with electrons that are coming in from deep reaches of outer space through the electron flow that comes into our atmosphere in the form of the ion charge that creates the image of the Aurora Borealis, those northern lights that’s an electron flow into our stratosphere which is then translated through a hundred thousand lightening strikes an hour to the surface of the earth, and so then the earth is being charged by that deep space electron source and then we are being charged with that and absorbing those electrons every time we go outside, especially if we touch the ground with bare feet and so we’re tied into this infinite supply of electrical energy through the medium of water and hydration. That’s probable enough of a reason to stay hydrated right there….”

Dr Zach bush


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