“water is life, but only when it is alive”
dr kohfink
Both scientific and spiritual approaches support the understanding that water carries and reacts to energy.
gems resonate at a specific frequency - water reacts energetically to different frequencies.
the energy and wave patterns in minerals and water are tremendously important for all life on earth as well as for our personal health.
Dr. marcel vogel was one of the first to study how water interacts with energy and natural minerals or elements.
He was a top research scientist for 27 years for IBM and his development of LCDs led him to study the unique properties of quartz crystals and their power to hold and create energy, as well as their therapeutic application, which in turn led to his interest in water’s unique ability to hold energy as well.
The minerals in water form the basis which allows natural water structures to arise. They form the colloidal focal points for the cluster structures, which arise in water and determine its conductivity.
The structures of clusters make it possible for information to be stored in liquids. Indeed, this is what the effectiveness of homeopathy, crystal and precious stone elixirs as well as flower remedies and essences, etc. are based on.
Dr Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm, is one of the most important water researchers the world has known.
for over 20 years, he studied the scientific evidence demonstrating how water exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intention results in aesthetically pleasing physical molecular formations in the water while water exposed to negative human intentions results in disconnected and disfigured physical molecular formations.
he did this through Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high-speed photographs.
Exploring quantum physics and consciousness, his experiments show the extent of how water can change based on energy from conscious minds and be imprinted with energetic frequencies.
To fully understand
the complexity of structured water we must understand how sensitive water is to energy. Water is like a chameleon when it comes to energy - a chameleon changes colors based on its environment, water structure changes based on its environment too, specifically to its energetic environment.
Not only can water be influenced by the energy around it, it can store that energy like a battery. This gives water the ability to have a memory and transmit electromagnetic information.
Water molecules
can come together to form structured clusters: they can join together to form even larger, regular geometric forms, and not just any old shape, but the five familiar Platonic bodies, namely the icosahedron, hexahedron or cube, dodecahedron, tetrahedron and octahedron. These are the five Platonic bodies of crystal and gem formation.
Our understanding of the natural world is moving to new levels as technology embraces the truth of structured water science with sacred geometry, vortexing, and gemstones.
Water actually instructs all your cells what to do and when to do it in synchrony. It does this by electrical signalling, just like digital information. Everyone knows water conducts electricity, and that is happening inside of us as well.
Water carries information. Water organizes information. Water sequences information.
if water is affected by words, intentions, and energies, what about human beings, who are made of mostly water? If we transform the water and thoughts we are made of, what else is possible?...
crystals and gems
all things are in a constant state of vibration and in a constant system of harmonics and resonancy.
think of a crystal or gem as a sort of tuning fork that vibrates when struck, the vibration can transform energy from one form to another.
these principles apply throughout the crystalized mineral world.
Crystals have a natural alignment with electromagnetic fields.
the ability of gemstones to heal is based upon the transference of their stable form of molecular structure, permeating the physical body down to the molecular level.
this brings stability on the biomolecular level to where there is a sympathetic resonancy.
the mineral kingdom functions on a high level of consciousness.
crystalline structures grow as life forms because they are indeed living entities in their own right.
gemstones stimulate healing based upon the principles of resonancy or harmony and vibration.
this balancing of resonancy promotes wellness within mind, body and spirit.